Omaha Data Center

The Gamer’s Edge Revisited


Traditional multiplayer games, such as Fortnite, Minecraft and World of Warcraft connect you with players in your own home or across the globe. Part of the challenge and thrill of playing comes with the reacting to the unexpected delivered by interacting with other gamers. You connect to the platform via your internet connection and the graphics are processed on your gaming device. <Just for fun, you can check out a list of the hottest multiplayer games HERE.> Conversely, cloud gaming is gaining momentum and allows players to access and play video games over a live streamed connection. Tech giants such as Google, Xbox and Amazon are all in a race [...]

The Gamer’s Edge Revisited2021-05-05T10:10:34-05:00

Arvig: A Success Story from the 1623 Farnam Ecosystem


One of the most exciting things about working and driving connectivity at the edge is the constant progress we see — not only for 1623 Farnam’s own initiatives, but for our partners’ as well. Arvig, a provider of high-speed internet and more to businesses and homes, is one of those partners that we have been so pleased to support on its growth trajectory. Currently connected to 18 data centers across the Midwest, Arvig is on a mission to constantly expand its network reach to support a growing number of customers and their digital communications requirements. To do so, they’re always looking to develop their data center fabric by building strategic [...]

Arvig: A Success Story from the 1623 Farnam Ecosystem2021-05-05T09:51:34-05:00

Omaha and 1623 Farnam: A Tale of Symbiotic Expansion


If you’ve been keeping up with 1623 Farnam’s updates, you’ve probably heard of our data center expansion. At $40 million, this renovation is helping us to better support the +5 million eyeballs we serve while paving the way for even greater regional, national and international network reach (an all-important aspect in today’s age of connectivity). Still, we know that this expansion tells a story that transcends our own four walls — and we’re thrilled to see the Midlands Business Journal help us tell that story. The growth at our interconnected edge facility is a testament to our hometown’s own growing eminence and role in the greater digital world. Nebraska is [...]

Omaha and 1623 Farnam: A Tale of Symbiotic Expansion2021-08-18T10:04:03-05:00

At The Edge with Bill Severn for Capacity Media


Emerging technologies of today largely require extremely low latency to properly operate. The challenge of achieving such low latency is easily met through ‘the edge’. In simple terms, operating on the edge means bringing data transfers and computing power as close to the end user as possible. In the past, data had been shipped to and from core data centers to end users, sometimes traveling quite a distance. As technologies rapidly evolve and include features such as real time updates that require increasingly large bandwidths, this is no longer efficient. We are in the throes of a digital transformation, and one major aspect of this is moving operations to the [...]

At The Edge with Bill Severn for Capacity Media2021-08-18T10:04:21-05:00

Peering 101 – What is peering, anyway?


Want to learn more about peering? Here’s a quick run down of the key aspects and benefits. What is peering, anyway? Sometimes called network peering or internet peering, peering at its most basic definition is when networks interconnect, allowing them to exchange traffic. At its core, it is about the transmitting and sharing of data. With a typical internet connection – what’s called a transit connection – network operators (or end users) purchase the connection from someone else and pay to have their network traffic carried for them. In a peering setup, there are no third parties and no additional charges beyond the costs associated with powering the necessary routers [...]

Peering 101 – What is peering, anyway?2021-04-15T18:15:46-05:00

In the Heart of the Country: How Network Diversity and Edge Computing can Work Simultaneously


Here in Omaha, we know that location matters. As an edge data center in Omaha, the center of the USA, we are the backbone of the internet. Our recent feature in Telecom Ramblings is all about the advantages of our central location and our own Todd Cushing, explains what’s cool about Omaha, along with some lesser-known facts about our great midwest location. As Todd explains, “Omaha is a massive interconnection point for cloud, service, content providers and carriers. It’s located close to Google’s largest North American cloud node and is in close proximity to a Facebook hyperscale facility.” Content companies, ISPs, communications companies, government and educational facilities can all take [...]

In the Heart of the Country: How Network Diversity and Edge Computing can Work Simultaneously2021-08-18T10:05:16-05:00

CX, the Pandemic, and the Data Center


Pipeline Magazine featured 1623 Farnam in its March 2021 Customer Experience issue. President Todd Cushing explains how over the last year especially, organizations have had to made a renewed commitment to the customer experience (CX). Companies across all sectors have had to innovate, reimage, reshape and overall do things in new and unique ways. What were once key differentiators and competitive advantages may have disappeared or lessened, so as Todd explains, it is more important than ever to ensure your company is creating value in this new age. This makes the communication and interaction you have with your customers all the more important. As we all work to be more [...]

CX, the Pandemic, and the Data Center2021-08-18T10:06:04-05:00

Metro Connect 2021: The Heart and Soul of 1623


At Metro Connect 2021, Greg Elliott was honored to meet up with Jaymie Scott Cutaia, CEO of JSA to dish on the latest 1623 Farnam developments. The two had no shortage of topics to cover as there is a lot going on at 1623! Greg shared the latest on the $40M expansion which is making the facility a cutting edge data center with new cooling and power infrastructure. Greg continued, “along with nine floors, 8MW of capacity and it already has 50 carriers - that’s awesome  - coupled with the hyperscaler activity in the area, it’s a great spot to be in.” As an interconnected ecosystem, Greg explained how our [...]

Metro Connect 2021: The Heart and Soul of 16232021-03-11T08:50:41-06:00

1623 Farnam Chats with Inside Data Centre Podcast


Our very own Todd Cushing recently caught up with Andy Davis, host of the Inside Data Centre podcast. The two discussed the evolution of the data center industry and how it has come a long way since Todd first started in the industry with First Data Corp in Omaha. Fast-forward to today and as President of 1623 Farnam, Todd discusses how our interconnected edge data center is now serving hyperscalers, global telecoms, cloud and service providers. Our robust interconnection hub has also become a key onramp to the cloud.  The Benefits of an Ecosystem Play “When we started off as a carrier hotel, we knew that we needed to have [...]

1623 Farnam Chats with Inside Data Centre Podcast2021-01-29T12:49:18-06:00

A Look Back on An Unprecedented Year


Finally, a particularly challenging year has come to an end. While we cannot be exactly sure what is on the horizon for 2021, we can surely breathe a sigh of relief for making it through a year of unexpected obstacles and the adjustment to a “new normal”. Now, we have learned quite a few lessons and can look forward to a promising year ahead. And while 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic was a year unlike any other, we were still able to accomplish some pretty amazing things and navigate the year’s trends. Colocation as Important as Ever One of the largest data center trends we saw throughout this past year [...]

A Look Back on An Unprecedented Year2021-01-29T12:41:15-06:00
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