
Staying in the Green: What Hyperscale Moves Tell us About Nebraska’s Energy Offering


Choosing the right home for data — and for the infrastructure that contains and transfers it — is a task that seeks to meet an array of different needs. Ideal climates, protection against natural disasters, access to underlying fiber and proximity to key end users are all factors that remain top of mind for workload placement. Still, as data grows as a prime asset across our digital world (and as data centers remain a key area for environmental improvement), sustainability has risen to the forefront as a top IT infrastructure consideration. In an effort to meet this need and leverage greener energy, Google has been in the midst of a [...]

Staying in the Green: What Hyperscale Moves Tell us About Nebraska’s Energy Offering2021-06-16T15:46:24-05:00

Why You Need To Leverage The Multicloud


Multicloud has very quickly become a huge buzzword in the enterprise space, with more and more businesses adopting their own multicloud strategy. Still wondering what multicloud is? Simply put, it is when a business strategically implements multiple clouds, usually a mix of public and private, to optimize their workloads and operate as efficiently as possible. But why exactly is this a worthwhile endeavor? Let’s explore! The Multicloud is Agile, Flexible and Scalable Some of the most prominent benefits of the multicloud is how flexible it allows you to be. When developing your multicloud strategy, you can pick and choose exactly which services and features will serve you best and leverage [...]

Why You Need To Leverage The Multicloud2021-05-10T11:46:37-05:00

Hurdles to Mass AR/VR Adoption and How to Clear Them


Augmented and Virtual Realities (AR or VR) go hand-in-hand with disruptive potential. These reality-bending technologies present a level of innovation and versatility that can fundamentally change how industries operate or how value is delivered to users. Whether it’s advanced medicine for healthcare or immersive learning in education, the Extended Reality segment presents some of the most exciting applications of our time — so why haven’t we seen AR/VR take off yet? In truth, before we can realize existing potential at the intersection of real and virtual worlds, there is a lot of infrastructural development that has to be accomplished first. Nevertheless, the first step to overcoming any obstacle is understanding [...]

Hurdles to Mass AR/VR Adoption and How to Clear Them2021-05-10T11:34:14-05:00

The Gamer’s Edge Revisited


Traditional multiplayer games, such as Fortnite, Minecraft and World of Warcraft connect you with players in your own home or across the globe. Part of the challenge and thrill of playing comes with the reacting to the unexpected delivered by interacting with other gamers. You connect to the platform via your internet connection and the graphics are processed on your gaming device. <Just for fun, you can check out a list of the hottest multiplayer games HERE.> Conversely, cloud gaming is gaining momentum and allows players to access and play video games over a live streamed connection. Tech giants such as Google, Xbox and Amazon are all in a race [...]

The Gamer’s Edge Revisited2021-05-05T10:10:34-05:00

Arvig: A Success Story from the 1623 Farnam Ecosystem


One of the most exciting things about working and driving connectivity at the edge is the constant progress we see — not only for 1623 Farnam’s own initiatives, but for our partners’ as well. Arvig, a provider of high-speed internet and more to businesses and homes, is one of those partners that we have been so pleased to support on its growth trajectory. Currently connected to 18 data centers across the Midwest, Arvig is on a mission to constantly expand its network reach to support a growing number of customers and their digital communications requirements. To do so, they’re always looking to develop their data center fabric by building strategic [...]

Arvig: A Success Story from the 1623 Farnam Ecosystem2021-05-05T09:51:34-05:00

Earth Day and the Data Center: Building a Better Future


Despite data centers being vital parts of our digital landscape, it’s an unavoidable truth that these facilities can negatively impact our environment. Today, global demand for new applications and technologies is growing in tandem with worldwide climate concerns. This means that striking a balance between two seemingly opposing forces is a task our industry must undertake. Data centers aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, their energy usage and greenhouse emissions must be reconciled with the pursuit of a greener future. This now means that sustainability must be part of every data center provider’s mission. Making A Difference At 1623 Farnam, we are committed to creating a more sustainable data center [...]

Earth Day and the Data Center: Building a Better Future2021-04-22T09:33:56-05:00

Top 5 Benefits of the Hybrid Multicloud


The multicloud has quickly become a staple for enterprises, with 94% operating in hybrid environments, and 67% of those utilizing a mix of cloud providers. As the multicloud has gained significant popularity, there’s no better time to start to consider your own strategy. If you’re just hearing this term for the first time, multicloud is when you use multiple cloud providers concurrently. On top of that, there’s the hybrid multicloud, where businesses use a mix of private and public cloud providers to achieve their specific goals. There are a lot of benefits to employing a hybrid multicloud strategy, such as the following: Put the Workloads in the Right Place If [...]

Top 5 Benefits of the Hybrid Multicloud2021-05-03T14:36:38-05:00

Game Engines And The Cutting Edge of Gaming 


Virtual reality and augmented reality games and experiences represent a horizon approaching closer every day. There are several parties involved, including content delivery networks and game developers. The bandwidth needs are huge, and to solve the ping issues gaming engines must be hosted in multiple edge locations. To understand why, let’s dive into the world of game engines and how they relate to latency.  The Rise of Game Engines Today’s rich, interactive video experience is made possible by advanced game engines – software environments that provide the architecture with which developers create and run games, rendering images on the fly in response to the movements of the user. One of [...]

Game Engines And The Cutting Edge of Gaming 2021-05-03T14:17:31-05:00

Peering 101 – What is peering, anyway?


Want to learn more about peering? Here’s a quick run down of the key aspects and benefits. What is peering, anyway? Sometimes called network peering or internet peering, peering at its most basic definition is when networks interconnect, allowing them to exchange traffic. At its core, it is about the transmitting and sharing of data. With a typical internet connection – what’s called a transit connection – network operators (or end users) purchase the connection from someone else and pay to have their network traffic carried for them. In a peering setup, there are no third parties and no additional charges beyond the costs associated with powering the necessary routers [...]

Peering 101 – What is peering, anyway?2021-04-15T18:15:46-05:00

Metro Connect 2021: The Heart and Soul of 1623


At Metro Connect 2021, Greg Elliott was honored to meet up with Jaymie Scott Cutaia, CEO of JSA to dish on the latest 1623 Farnam developments. The two had no shortage of topics to cover as there is a lot going on at 1623! Greg shared the latest on the $40M expansion which is making the facility a cutting edge data center with new cooling and power infrastructure. Greg continued, “along with nine floors, 8MW of capacity and it already has 50 carriers - that’s awesome  - coupled with the hyperscaler activity in the area, it’s a great spot to be in.” As an interconnected ecosystem, Greg explained how our [...]

Metro Connect 2021: The Heart and Soul of 16232021-03-11T08:50:41-06:00
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