Multicloud has very quickly become a huge buzzword in the enterprise space, with more and more businesses adopting their own multicloud strategy. Still wondering what multicloud is? Simply put, it is when a business strategically implements multiple clouds, usually a mix of public and private, to optimize their workloads and operate as efficiently as possible. But why exactly is this a worthwhile endeavor? Let’s explore!

The Multicloud is Agile, Flexible and Scalable

Some of the most prominent benefits of the multicloud is how flexible it allows you to be. When developing your multicloud strategy, you can pick and choose exactly which services and features will serve you best and leverage multiple cloud providers at once. This way you avoid limitations you may face if you go all in with a single provider. And, you can scale up and down very quickly, which allows your strategy to adapt in tandem with your business. With a good multicloud strategy, every time you grow or your needs change you won’t have to worry about the time consuming effort of completely overhauling your cloud strategy to match your new requirements.

Multiple Clouds Means Options In Disaster

The multicloud is a powerful tool when it comes to risk management and security. Since you’re not conducting all of your business with one cloud provider, you have somewhere to go in the event of an attack or downtime. With the multicloud, if there are issues with one provider you can choose to back up to the private cloud or migrate to another provider. Bottom line – you have options! This keeps your data safe and secure, so your business doesn’t have to take any hits during an unplanned outage.

Multicloud to the Edge

Think about it – if you’re leveraging multiple clouds, you are utilizing servers in more than one location. This means that you can bring your workloads much closer to your end users than if you were operating at one singular location. By leveraging your multicloud strategy in a way that allows you to have a presence in multiple geographies, you can experience much lower latency. And with so much business rapidly moving to the edge, you need to take every measure to ensure the lowest latency possible!

The Multicloud at 1623 Farnam

At 1623 Farnam, our customers have access to a vast ecosystem of network and cloud providers which allows them to properly leverage an effective multicloud strategy. With the presence of major cloud providers like Megaport, Telia Carrier  and Google Cloud Connect, you can be sure that you benefit from the best in the business to keep your operations running smoothly and experiencing all the benefits multiple clouds have to offer. And with 94% of enterprises already operating in a cloud environment, you don’t want to get left behind. Contact us today so we can help you create the right hybrid strategy for your business.