Company News

1623 Farnam Announces Data Center Expansion Grand Opening


The $40 Million Expansion Focuses on Increased Power and Capacity;  A Celebration and Sweeping Panel Presentation Accompanies Data Center Debut  Omaha, NE – September 22, 2021 – 1623 Farnam, a regional leader in network-neutral, edge interconnection and data center services, announces the grand opening of its expanded edge data center in Omaha, Nebraska. The $40 million expansion includes significant upgrades to the facility’s electrical power infrastructure and increases colocation capacity by converting this fiber-rich carrier hotel into usable, high quality data center space. In association with the expansion, a grand opening event on September 23, 2021 will feature tours of the facility, a cocktail reception and a question and answer [...]

1623 Farnam Announces Data Center Expansion Grand Opening2021-09-22T08:23:50-05:00

The Next Edge Frontier


Once, taking workloads to the edge was considered the new frontier of IT advantage — a wild west where only the bold and pioneering set up camp. Now that adoption has ramped up as the benefits of edge computing are more well known, the question becomes: If everyone is doing it, is there really anything left to talk about? Definitely. Without a doubt. IT demands are making edge computing even more important than ever for all of the right reasons. Ultra low latency, improved network performance are all in service of the new era of digital initiatives.  While it may be becoming the standard, it doesn’t mean it’s any less [...]

The Next Edge Frontier2021-08-24T09:55:59-05:00

What’s New In Interconnection?


Telecom carriers, colocation and data center providers, and internet exchanges have quickly pivoted to increase capacity and expand network routes. The reliance on connectivity means more tech advancements and innovative capabilities. Workloads are becoming more and more sensitive to latency. AR/VR, AI, and cloud gaming are all proof that data needs to be processed as close to the end user as possible, but also in a very secure way. These types of technologies are completely redefining the way we do business. These new technologies need high-quality network architecture, low latency routes, and global peering capabilities. All of these aspects rely on the foundation of rich, robust interconnection. But...then what? Hyperscalers [...]

What’s New In Interconnection?2021-08-16T14:55:03-05:00

Guiding a Sea Change in the Pursuit of Green Data


Working towards a green future is an important movement happening across the globe. As data centers continue to serve as the home to the internet and the infrastructure that supports it, they only become more essential in the global communications green equation. So, it makes sense that we are seeing a growing trend for data centers to do their part in ‘greening up’ in ways both big and small. Collectively, We Can all Make a Difference As noted in Todd Cushing’s recent article in Digital Infra Network, “Significant progress can be built on the back of widespread, iterative change — even if those changes start small. Every movement starts somewhere.” [...]

Guiding a Sea Change in the Pursuit of Green Data2021-08-12T10:29:20-05:00

Edge Data Centers – The Future’s Forefront


As the world continues to implement high-speed-dependent applications like 5G and the Internet of Things, networking and IT require rich ecosystems at the edge. To make these latency-sensitive solutions work, computing needs to be as close to the end user as possible. But what does that actually look like? And are all data centers created equal? Well...not quite.Check out our recent feature in Telecom Review that explains what an edge data center is (and isn’t), the different types of data centers, as well as what the future looks like for edge computing. Read it here.

Edge Data Centers – The Future’s Forefront2021-08-18T09:53:02-05:00

Why Cultivating Connectivity Fabrics at the Edge Matters (And the Secret to Success)


The innovative applications and business-redefining technology use cases cropping up across the world are highly diverse — but they all are, at their core, in pursuit of one thing: consistent, reliable and highly gratifying user experiences.  Whether it’s IoT capabilities delivering new insights for factory floors in manufacturing, AI-driven enhancements for patient data and treatments in healthcare, or Virtual Reality entertainment in the home, the new digital world is being architected to deliver ease, proficiency — even delight. These optimized user experiences, however, can only be built on the back of robust infrastructure foundations.  When the landscape of technology has become so user-centric, IT infrastructure must follow that lead. The [...]

Why Cultivating Connectivity Fabrics at the Edge Matters (And the Secret to Success)2021-08-18T10:02:55-05:00

KsFiberNet Extends Fiber to 1623 Farnam


We are proud to support our partners and carriers, check out the latest from KSFiberNet! Through this partnership, KSFiberNet will be able to provide reliable fiber access from Kansas to our Omaha data center, as well as an express connection for Cloud Services including Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and more. Read the full story.

KsFiberNet Extends Fiber to 1623 Farnam2021-06-29T15:24:32-05:00

1623 Farnam’s Robust Interconnection Ecosystem Helps Enterprises and Service Providers Leverage the Cloud


Omaha, NE – June 22 2021 – 1623 Farnam, a regional leader in network-neutral edge interconnection and data center services, announces the growth of its hybrid multicloud ecosystem. The company has established itself as an industry leader by equipping its customers and partners with the tools and resources needed to optimally leverage a plethora of cloud platforms.As digital transformations continue to heighten requirements on enterprise IT, many organizations are not only moving to the cloud, but distributing workloads across multiple cloud platforms. Combining public and private cloud environments enables greater cost optimization, scalability, reliability, redundancy and availability, offering a tailored solution for individualized data requirements. It’s for this reason that [...]

1623 Farnam’s Robust Interconnection Ecosystem Helps Enterprises and Service Providers Leverage the Cloud2021-06-28T10:30:52-05:00

Omaha and 1623 Farnam: A Tale of Symbiotic Expansion


If you’ve been keeping up with 1623 Farnam’s updates, you’ve probably heard of our data center expansion. At $40 million, this renovation is helping us to better support the +5 million eyeballs we serve while paving the way for even greater regional, national and international network reach (an all-important aspect in today’s age of connectivity). Still, we know that this expansion tells a story that transcends our own four walls — and we’re thrilled to see the Midlands Business Journal help us tell that story. The growth at our interconnected edge facility is a testament to our hometown’s own growing eminence and role in the greater digital world. Nebraska is [...]

Omaha and 1623 Farnam: A Tale of Symbiotic Expansion2021-08-18T10:04:03-05:00

At The Edge with Bill Severn for Capacity Media


Emerging technologies of today largely require extremely low latency to properly operate. The challenge of achieving such low latency is easily met through ‘the edge’. In simple terms, operating on the edge means bringing data transfers and computing power as close to the end user as possible. In the past, data had been shipped to and from core data centers to end users, sometimes traveling quite a distance. As technologies rapidly evolve and include features such as real time updates that require increasingly large bandwidths, this is no longer efficient. We are in the throes of a digital transformation, and one major aspect of this is moving operations to the [...]

At The Edge with Bill Severn for Capacity Media2021-08-18T10:04:21-05:00
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