1623 Farnam President Talks Cloud Solutions With JSA TV
admin_farnamdev2020-06-22T14:07:53-05:00Here at 1623 Farnam we’re big on cloud solutions. As new cloud data centers abound, shortcuts to the cloud are becoming more important than ever, and 1623 Farnam’s numerous cloud on-ramps can provide customers with the cloud solution they are looking for. Todd Cushing, president of 1623 Farnam, had the chance to sit down with JSA TV to discuss how our prime location enmeshes so well with our cloud solution offerings. For him, it’s about the prevalence of hyperscale in the area. Take Google, for instance. “There’s a lot of hyperscale in Omaha. Google had two facilities in Council Bluffs, about three miles away from us. They’re building another facility [...]